Trailblazers and Leaders: Elijah Lawal

Elijah Lawal | Communications and Public Affairs Manager | Google

How did you get into comms?

I was just finishing up at law school and all I could see in my future was briefs, court appearances, and wearing that darn itchy wig so I thought I would branch out into something a wee bit fun for the short term. In one epidsode of Sex and the City, Samatha who was a publicist had an AMAZING party and I thought, yep I'm gonna do that. So I applied to all the PR agencies in London and joined as a graduate to the first that offered me an interview - and the rest is history.

What does an average day look like? 

There is no average day in Google comms. It varies depending on which product, issue, or country may be my priority for the day. That in turn determines whether it is an email focused day or drawing up plans and strategies, or meetings with cross-functional colleagues.

What advice would you give your 21 year old self? 

This is not very Nigerian of me’s ok to take some time to figure out what you want to do and you don't have to be perfect at everything.

What’s your greatest achievement to date?

Writing a book that was published by a major publisher: The Clapback: your guide to calling out racist stereotypes. Being able to dispel harmful stereotypes of my community, and share the beauty in the culture, heritage, and legacy of black people is a dream come true.

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had? 

I absolutely LOVE Always' #LikeAGirl campaign. Taking a negative stereotype, flipping it on its head to build young girls' confidence was just so inspired and I thought the accompanying ad spoke to how adults are socialised to think of women in certain ways, but young people don't have those socialised preconceptions. It helps reinforce the point that bad beliefs are learnt; and so can be unlearned. 

What’s the key skill you think a successful comms person requires?

There are a number of skills but being able to work cross-functionally and collaboratively is key for me. I got a great piece of advice on my first day in the Google comms team and I share it all the time: Be the type of person that people enjoy working with.


Trailblazers and Leaders: Kim Allain


Trailblazers and Leaders: Dominique Gardiner