Trailblazers and Leaders: Kim Allain

Kim Allain

Kim Allain | Creative | MSL Group

How did you get into comms?

I’ve always been into creative but initially I thought my options were to get into journalism as I didn’t know anything about the creative industry. Due to this at 16 I began writing for the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust’s youth magazine, which opened me up to the world of comms and media.

What does an average day look like? 

The average day is never average and even in lockdown no day looks alike. Some days I am brainstorming and writing creative proposals for brands. Some days I am pitching for clients. Some days are research days and others are talking to influencers or celebrities.

What advice would you give your 21 year old self? 

Stay hungry and keep pushing but don’t be so hard on yourself. I definitely felt the pressure to have everything figured out by that age and even now I haven’t managed that. That is perfectly normal. But it will all work out for the best eventually.

What is the one thing you wish you’d known when you started working? 

No idea is a wrong or bad idea. Don’t be afraid to be inquisitive. Speak up when you have ideas or something to add to a room because often you’ll regret not saying it.

 What’s your greatest achievement to date? 

So superficially being one of the youngest, black, female creative leads in the industry. It was something I am proud to say I’ve done because I hope I’m not the last and there will be more young girls like me in those kind of roles. More meaningfully working hard enough to afford to take my mum on holiday and help her financially. She is my superhero and sacrificed a lot for me as a single mum. To be able to help her was my original goal and I’m proud that I’ve achieved that so young.

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had? 

Of recent I wish I was one of the team that did the #MyLoveIsBlackLove campaign because it was super powerful and meant a lot. As a creative who loves big activations, Missing Blood Type and Redbull Stratos will always be one that most comms people would have loved to be a part of.

Kim Allain is a panellist for our #UKBCNPRESENTS Position & Purpose Webinar on 13th January 2021 at 6.30pm. Not got your ticket yet? Join Us


Trailblazers and leaders: Devonne Spence


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