Trailblazers and Leaders: Dominique Gardiner

Dominique Gardiner | PR Manager | ASOS

Dominique Gardiner | PR Manager | ASOS

How did you get into comms?
In my final year at The University of Derby, I did a PR module and really enjoyed it. I hadn’t considered a career in this type of communications until this point. I thought I wanted to be a TV presenter or a journalist and had done quite a few work placements at BBC when I finished school.

After graduating, I did magazine internships and after two attempts got a job as Press Assistant at Schuh and moved from Birmingham and started my career in London.

What does an average day look like? 
It sounds really cliché but no two days are the same. My job is very project focused so my workload depends on the projects I’m working on. I’m usually working on multiple projects at the same time. This could be anything from a Style Edit with talent, (virtual) trend presentation, creating fun moments and experiences for influencers or press trips and events (before the Covid-19 restrictions). An average day includes meetings with the Comms team and other departments across the business, loads of emails to reply to and keeping press and influencers up-to-date on exciting launches and products. I’m part of a large Global Comms team so there is always something going on.  

What advice would you give your 21 year old self? 
It’s ok to change your mind and change direction; just make sure you do the work to make your dreams a reality!

What is the one thing you wish you’d known when you started working? 
I wish I’d known to write down all the great ideas I had before bedtime, in the shower or on my way to the office.  

What’s your greatest achievement to date?
Moving to London 12 years and STILL being here and finally working for my favourite brand. I really didn’t think I would last 6 months in London, it’s been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but also one of the most rewarding.  

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had? 
It has to the River Island and Rihanna 777 Tour. The PR team took journalists on a 7 stop World tour with Rihanna to celebrate her clothing range at River Island and her album tour. It looked like absolute chaos but the coverage was amazing and Rihanna was on the plane with them. It was a money can’t buy experience.

What’s the key skill you think a successful comms person requires? 
Of course great communication skills help, but being able to listen and engage with others is key. I would say confidence is important too because approaching people you don’t know is a huge part of the job. You can’t be afraid to speak up and get people to listen and engage with what you are selling.


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