Trailblazers and leaders: Ann-Marie Blake

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Ann-Marie Blake | Managing Director | Verdayne Communications

Ann-Marie Blake  Managing Director Verdayne Communications

How did you get into comms?

By accident! I was in Product Marketing for a large bank and asked to be a media spokesperson for the product that led to me getting heavily involved in the PR planning and campaigns. One day my boss asked me to head up PR and Communications for a new business division. That was a career defining role for me. I got involved in so much – business acquisition, disposal, crisis management, employee engagement. It was a busy 2 years.

What does an average day look like?  

I’m currently on assignment at a major bank leading communications and engagement for a global transformation.  I’m not travelling currently so my day starts and ends at home – just in different rooms! I’ll catch up with the news first thing, check any email that’s come in over nightand deal with anything urgent. I then hit the Zoom calls.  Mornings are usually busy because a lot of my team are based in Asia Pac so there’s a few hours when we cross over.  Afternoons I will focus on writing, or planning as I feel at my most creative after lunch. It’s a real challenge to ensure I’m not on calls from dawn to dusk so will schedule a few breaks and ensure I get outside in the fresh air to get some exercise. Once I’ve finished work I tackle my voluntary commitments – whether it be mentoring, or board meetings for IABC or REEB.

What advice would you give your 21 year old self?  

Don’t feel shy about telling others how good you are and claiming credit for your work. Also don’t feel shy about asking for that raise when taking on additional responsibility.

What is the one thing you wish you’d known when you started working?

That promotion and progression are not solely about how well you do your role. You need to work hard on your image (personal brand), build your network and sponsors if you want to get on.

What’s your greatest achievement to date?  

I’ve had a great career that’s given me the opportunity to work on some amazing projects, travel the world and meet some amazing people. The schools outreach programme that I developed for a major bank has to be up there with one of my greatest achievements. It is still going strong and when I saw it form the basis of the brand’s advertising campaign 20 years later it made me very proud.

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had?  

The Nike Dream Crazier campaign with Serena Williams.   

What’s the key skill you think a successful business owner requires?

Communications (I would say that as a communicator!). Whether it’s communicating with clients/customers or employees the ability to communicate well is vital.  

Ann-Marie Blake

Managing Director | Verdayne Communications


Trailblazers and leaders: Ronke Lawal


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