Trailblazers and Leaders: Nadia Haynes


Nadia Haynes | Founder and Director | The Glass Hive

How did you get into comms?

My pursuit into comms started in the mid 90’s when I joined a fortnightly international exchange class in journalism, corresponding with students in Italy. Thanks to a segment on Open University on BBC 2, I was introduced to Public Relations and decided that I wanted to transfer my writing and influence skills to PR one day.

By the 2000s, I was getting my first taste of Marketing through BMG, the record company and in 2003 gained my first PR agency experience at Jackie Cooper PR (JCPR) over the summer break from University. I was selling-in from the jump and still prize my cuttings. I graduated with a BA in Public Relations, Media and Design Management with my dissertation titled "How Much Theory is Put into Practice within the PR Industry" and continued to work and intern at various organisations. In the latter years, I took contracted positions and found Comms roles for both the NHS and central government. 

What does an average day look like?

I’m an early riser, and before the glaring light of my phone pierces my eyes, I acknowledge the presence of God and commit my day to Him. Those first few minutes set the tone of my day. Then it’s on!

I will review daily briefing of the news, and run through emails and messages. My work is multi-disciplined, which keeps me on my toes—working across several projects covering PR, Brand Development, Marketing and Digital. But broadly speaking, as a consultant and business owner, my time is divided accordingly.

A day generally encompasses planning, research, knowledge building, analysis, reporting, advising, pitching, writing and implementation. Oh, and Zoom and Teams calls of course. 

What advice would you give your 21 year old self

Ma chérie, slay perfectionism. Cut it away, embrace failing forward and learn from it quickly. Don’t get stuck in the mud. 

What is the one thing you wish you’d known when you set up on your own?

Hmm, that imposter syndrome would be lurking in the wings. Mind you, three years ago, I invested in a Business Coach and have actively worked to overcome it. 

What’s your greatest achievement to date?

Me stepping into the wild. The Glass Hive and all that has come with being an entrepreneur is my most significant achievement to date. So many lessons learnt professionally and personally.

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had?

There was a campaign by The Big Bang Fair that featured two British synchronised swimmers who attempted to perform their routine in a pool full of plastic. The campaign aimed at young people wanted to reinforce the need to tackle the waste polluting the ocean. It struck a chord with me.

What’s the key skill you think a successful business owner requires?

The ability to delegate and prioritise essential tasks is a crucial skill. I remind myself, often, that I am a business owner first and a PR/Comms professional second.

Find out more | @theglasshive

UK BCN Member Nadia Haynes

Director and Founder | The Glass Hive


Trailblazers and leaders: Shannon Walker


Trailblazers and Leaders: Ayo Adepoju