Trailblazers and Leaders: Ngozi Emeagi

Ngozi Emeagi

Ngozi Emeagi | Senior Consultant | Powerscourt Group

How did you get into comms?
I actually heard about financial communications from a friend who worked at an agency at the time. At the time I was in banking and looking to make a move so she suggested I looked into financial comms and I haven’t looked back. It was great advice.

What does an average day look like?
Average day is really varied. Typically I wake up around 6am, read the FT then (try) and do some exercise. By the time I’m done the kids will be up so I’ll take them to breakfast club and be at my desk by about 8.15 or 8.30. I’ve just started at Powerscourt so there’s been a lot of reading and trying to get up to speed with my clients. I may be preparing for a pitch, writing a media plan or a crisis comms document. There are generally a few client meetings throughout the day and catch ups with other members of my team. I haven’t really met most people because of lockdown so I try and have a few catchups with people a day. Work ends at around 6.30 and a few evenings a week I try and attend an online event – so much easier to do now that they’re all online! I try and get to bed latest 10.30!

What advice would you give your 21 year old self? 
Don’t be afraid to try new things and put your hand up for every opportunity.

What is the one thing you wish you’d known when you started working in comms? 
Other people aren’t obsessing about you making mistakes so you shouldn’t either. 

What’s your greatest achievement to date?
Sounds really corny but my greatest achievement are my kids. 

Is there a particular comms campaign that you’ve seen in your career that you didn’t work on but wish you had? 

I absolutely loved the ‘Like A Girl’ campaign from Always – actually makes me cry a little every time I watch it. I think it demonstrates really well how the perception of what it means to be female changes over time and emphasises the importance of making sure girls maintain their confidence as they grow into women.

What’s the key skill you think a successful comms person requires?

Ability to build relationships quickly and maintain them.  Also the ability to multi-task- that’s a big one!


Trailblazers and Leaders: Sasha Mattus


Trailblazers and leaders: Devonne Spence