Emerging Talent: Darnell Odeghe

Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that led you to pursue a career in the Comms industry? 

I can’t even remember but from a young age, I’ve just always loved expressing myself and helping others to get their points across so others can understand them. In a sense being able to give a voice to the voiceless. 

Navigating the early stages of any career comes with its set of challenges. Can you tell us about a significant obstacle you've overcome and what it taught you about yourself and your profession?

In my first PR role, I had severe imposter syndrome and it truly affected me. It taught me to never doubt my abilities and to reinforce to myself that I earned my place and was deserving of the opportunity. 

Looking ahead, where do you see yourself in the next five years within the industry? Are there any particular goals or impact you aim to achieve?

In five years I want to be part of an award-winning campaign that truly sparks change and would have hopefully accumulated enough knowledge to start helping other people new to the industry. 

Reflecting on your work so far, which campaign or project holds a special place for you as your favorite, and why?

I was lucky enough to have a past client announce a £100bn merger in the wealth management sector. It was my first big national scale project and I was able to do and learn so much from that.


Emerging Talent: Hannah Abban