About Us
Half of Black PR and comms professionals are never promoted.
The UK Black Comms Network (BCN) is here to increase the seniority of Black PR, marketing and communications professionals in the UK to change that fact.
We provide learning, resources, inspiration, and peer-to-peer networking to empower our members to claim their space. We shine light on our challenges and partner with like-minded individuals and organisations to enact change.
Our work extends beyond our membership community: We partner with like-minded brands and donate what we can to fund PR and media support for Black-owned businesses in need of communications consultancy via our Give Black initiative.
If you are a Black comms or marketing professional, apply to join us today. It’s free for interns, students, grads and emerging talent. £15/month if you have 3+ years’ experience.
Need some inspiration to get you through today?
Read wise words and top tips from industry leaders, who are blazing trails against the odds.